Warren County Internet Survey

Thanks for participating in a 3 minute survey on broadband internet in Warren County.

Why? Local data is needed to develop a plan to improve internet services.

How can you help? Take the survey and then share it with others!

Tell Us About Yourself

Are you completing this survey at your primary address?

Which age groups live at this location? (check all that apply)

Children under 18
Adults age 19 to 64
Adults age 65 and older
Does not apply

Do any students live at this location? (check all that apply)

Does not apply to this household
Primary school (K-6th grade)
High School (7th - 12th grade)
College or University
Adult learners/career training

Is your current service meeting your needs?

Very Unhappy
Usually Dissatisfied
It's Okay
Usually Satisfied
Very Satisfied

Are you considering other internet providers and options?

Please provide any additional information or issues you may have.

Besides internet, would you like to see future providers other services like: (check all that apply)

Home phone services
Cellular phone services
Streaming services (movie, live TV, etc.)
No extra services desired

Do you want information from Warren County Economic Development on current or future options for internet service?